Marina Goldshteyn

Provi - Product Detail Page


Product Detail Pages on Provi

Providing retailers with a space that allows them to easily find all the data, content, and information possible about a product they are interested in ordering.


Lead Product Designer

Jan 2023 - Current

Product Manager, Tech Lead

Provi is a tool for businesses, like bars and restaurants, to streamline their alcohol ordering process by searching the marketplace for products then building and sending orders to their respective distributors to process.

It saves retailers a lot of time and is one of Provi’s biggest value adds. Unlike your typical e-commerce or two sided marketplace, the products and data associated come from a variety of data sources. Some verified, and some not.



Conversion funnel is shortening and the value of the product detail page has changed.

Before: Adding to cart used to be a multi-step process. Buyers who knew what they needed, were spending a lot of time going through the same cycle over and over again, just to add an item to their order. This was a very inefficient process.

After: Now, the search and product listing page experience has allowed buyers to see SKU level information and to add and item to their order. This changes the primary purpose of a product detail page from being the place to see SKUs and add to cart.

This new experience has brought a lot of efficiency to our users, but has left an opportunity to address the value of our product detail page. So, why would someone visit the product detail page?


To add value to a product detail page, we need to design a space for the user who is in discovery mode. The buyer who’s interested in finding new products to bring into their business.


Research & Discovery

Evaluate current experience vs. customer needs through data and focused research

Current Experience Evaluation

The product detail page has historically been a hodgepodge of quick solutions and implementation, which has turned the whole experience into a large, fragile, page that directly effects our users with very slow load times and inconsistent information. From an engineering perspective, this page has become the personification of tech debt. We now have the opportunity to clean the experience up, from front end to back end, to provide users with a faster and cohesive experience.

We met with our engineers and broke down every instance and variation of today’s product detail page and pulled out themes:

  • 12 instances of the page: Inconsistent experiences from page to page is confusing

  • Making decisions for the user: Trying to be “smart” is causing very slow load times

  • Layout doesn’t scale: Sheer amount of information is hard to read and digest in a small space

  • Tech debt: All of these points amounted to major tech debt within the page that needed to be addressed


This is a spreadsheet of all the product data we had and it’s coverage

Rich product data at our finger tips

With the acquisition of Sevenfifty, a direct competitor, we were able to access their rich product data provided by verified sources like distributors and suppliers.

Internal & Retailer Interviews

Understand the behavior of buyers who are browsing and searching, but not ordering on Provi.

Internal feedback (Sales & Customer Support)

  • Hierarchy of the page is dependent on the product type

  • Too many clicks to get to the information you need

  • Do not trust the price and deal data

User feedback

  • Do not trust the price and deal data

  • Provi only works with Sales Rep buy-in

  • Lack of product and order history detail


Business Stakeholder Interview

Align with business stakeholders and members of leadership around the purpose and direction of the page


Turning insights into opportunities

Once we distilled our research, we were able to focus our solutions through a “How might we” exercise.


Problem Definition

Buyers that continue through to the product detail page are likely looking for more information about the product. This will help them them decide whether or not they should order it for their business. However, today the product detail page does not provide users with enough information about a product for them to confidently make that decision. Additionally, the information we do provide on the page is not displayed in digestable way and is often hidden by multiple interactions. This contributes to user frustration and lack of trust in our system.


Design Exploration & Concepts

Paint and sell future vision based on insights

Focus 1 - Layout, IA, and Hierarchy
Focus 2 - Transparent and simplified data display
Focus 3 - Additional functionality and content

Focus 1 - Layout, IA, and Hierarchy
Highlight and bring focus the robust data we have to display about a product, while providing the ability to easily access any additional information.

Test & Refine Concepts

Evaluate concepts with cross-functional team and customers

Testing Focus 1
Is the proposed layout and information hierarchy easy to digest and align with the new purpose of the page?

This was a great test! We were able to get our designs in front of 6 users and many internal folks for awesome discussion and feedback.

What was working:

  • Tabbed navigation is clear

  • New design of information is more prominent / visible

  • Pricing above product info is right hierarchy

  • Distributor order requirements were made more clear

  • Sales rep info helpful to buyers: name & contact info

What wasn’t working:

  • Difficulty understanding what prices mean

  • Distributor order requirements may be better associated with pricing/availability

  • Does not fully trust "in stock" status without knowing how much is in stock

  • Previously ordered info is valuable but was missed by retailers when looking at the design


Focus 2 - Transparent and simplified data display
Set better expectations and build trust with buyers around pricing, deals, and availability by bringing transparency and unity to the information we display.

Testing Focus 2
Are the proposed updates to product data easy to understand and provide transparency into the pricing and availability of the product?

Unfortunately our recruiting efforts fell short and we were only able to show these designs to two retailers.

Additional retailer testing necessary for Focus 2

  • Recruit participants for a moderated usability test

  • Recruit participants for an unmoderated usability test using Maze

The feedback from internal folks and distributor partners was fruitful, though!

  • Our pricing and deals transparency was well received and understood

  • Distributor data was clear, especially for products sold by multiple distributors

  • Discussion around displaying all vintages at once vs. selecting the vintage you want to see


Focus 3 - Additional functionality and content
Use content to further engrain Provi into the establishment – could the content be utilized to educate servers, bartenders on products 

To be continued…

As we continue to validate the proposed experience, we are working with our engineering team as they re-architect the current experience to align with our general direction. The MVP will consist of:

  • Displaying all SKUs at once, with filtering options

  • Unify display of pricing & discounts

  • Introducing product data