Product Design / Strategy / Mobile Design / User Research
Provi is B2B beverage ordering platform for businesses like bars and restaurants. As the Lead Product Designer for our Retailer Experience, I was able to work on a variety of projects that focussed on driving retailer engagement and retention. These projects are a quick snapshot into the breadth of work I did that year.
Product Detail Page
Redesigning the page to allow buyers to easily find all the data, content, and information possible about a product they are interested in ordering.
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Contextual Cart Experience
Simplifying the cart experience so buyers can confidently prep and send beverage orders to sales reps.
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Onboarding & Engagement Dashboard
Help new buyers understand how Provi works by displaying contextual and personalized information based on order behavior to drive engagement.
Distributor Account Application Form
Providing buyers with a way to establish accounts with new distributors by completing a simple form.
Enhancing Lists
Design a new “List” experience that provides buyers with a more efficient repeat ordering process.
Order Messages
Providing distributor sales reps with an easy way to communicate with their buyers about their orders.